ten things i did today

  1. I dropped Jordan off at school and then spent 40 minutes at diaper gym by myself. I'm cool like that. I'm assuming that after I left for the library other people showed up.
  2. I took the boys and Elliot to the library program. There, I sang songs, hopped up and down, rhymed and made the kids a matching game.
  3. I picked up Jordan from school and told the kids they could play at the playground there, for just a little while.
  4. I chased the kids, who were chasing a combine. Of course they couldn't hear me over the roar of the combine. Where were they supposed to be? Playground equipment. Naughty.
  5. I went home.
  6. I sent Jordan to her room for ten minutes because she screeched the entire way home from school.
  7. I ate leftovers for lunch. Yay tacos!
  8. I put the two babies to bed. Yay nap!
  9. I posted my banana muffin recipe on the recipe blog, just because Sonya made me, just because they always turn out so darn good.
  10. I hit the couch for some blogging, scrabbling and sub-par daytime tv. All that singing, rhyming, jumping up and down, chasing and serving has tuckered me right out today.


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