5 weeks


Ange said…
He's soooooo cute. I think he looks like Tennyson in the 2nd picture. Probably the face he's making or something. You definately know how to make cute kids!
Tiffany said…
I know! It's the way he's holding his mouth or something. I think he's chubbing up a little more since I started giving him bottles too. Eating more or something. Yay!
Sonya said…
I love the sleeper! Cute kid too!
Heather said…
He's getting so big. He's really starting to fill out, eh? Mitchell looks more like you than the other kids. Such cuties - all of them. Hey, here's an idea...I can bring over my sissors and give your kids haircuts too! he he
Tiffany said…
Heather - I may take you up on that, but not just yet!
Q&L said…
oh so cute...i love pics, keep em coming!

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