Just so you know, if you pull a muscle in your ass, participating in a Zumba class will not, in fact, help to "work it out." Seriously. I wish someone had told me this earlier today. On Sunday I went to Carberry for a kids Christmas party at the rink/bowling alley. It was great fun. The kids bowled, skated, sat on Santa's knee, helped themselves to multiple helpings of delicious snacks, and spent the afternoon with Grandma. I had fun too. I totally kicked Mitchell's butt bowling. But I pulled a muscle in my ass. I first realized it when I slipped around the ice helping my kids "skate." I figured that it must have happened bowling. Of course with my perfect bowling form, and refusal to hop in all the wrong places during my delivery, it's seriously surprising that I did some strange thing to a weird, deeply buried muscle, but I did. Go figure. Today I thought to myself, "Self, you hardly feel that tender muscle unless you move around. I'...