it's blogtastic!

I got more comments on the blog with all the pictures than I have in forever! My thoughts are that we should all put a picture or two (or 5) of ourselves on our blogs. Could be from Junior High, or High School. And we should try to find pictures that people wouldn't actually think is us now!

Okay, everybody up for the challenge? Now - GO!


Ange said…
How am I supposed to get them on my computer? I don't have a scanner. And nobody needs to see those pictures. I should burn them quick.
Tiffany said…
It's okay Ange, I have lots of pictures of you, as well as a scanner!

Stay Tuned . . . !
Sonya said…
You and your threats. I don't have a functioning scanner either.
Tiffany said…
Note to self: Angela and Sonya both do not have scanners. Must scan some pictures of them for my blog!
Candice said…
Ok, I just went through a *bunch* of pictures. Mine, for some reason, don't need a scanner and it's pretty easy to tell which one is me!
Tiffany said…
That's okay. It'll be interesting to see high school pictures! What year did you graduate?
Candice said…
Graduated in '02
Tiffany said…
You're just little!
Candice said…
I may be young, but I'm sure not 'little'!!
Candice said…
We are still friends though, right? Cuz my husband is a few years older than you, so if you averaged us, we would nearly be the same!

(I feel so busted for trying to play with the older kids.)
Tiffany said…
Older? How scandalous, I love it! lol.

I suppose we can still be friends. My birthday is closer to the end of 1980 so it's not as bad as all that.

I seriously have to come up with something to blog about . . .
Candice said…
how did painting go yesterday?

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