let the book feast begin

Remember when I went on and on about the library website and how I reserved books like crazy? Well, soon after that, my computer wouldn't let me on the library website. I was mortified.

Turns out the dinosaur laptop is more than willing to summon up the library. I just put holds on three random books in the last five minutes. The bookworm gluttony is about the commence.

I actually have a stack of books that have been lent to me by others. They're sitting on my night stand. I have this thing - I borrow books, or better, people lend us books that they think I might like. I don't know what it is, whether it's because I didn't pick them myself, or because I know I can let them sit there forever, but I'm far less inclined to read them. Instead, I take out 6 books from the library and run home and devour them in time to return them and take the next six. I apologise if I have your books. I swear it's not your books I'm talking about. I'm totally reading your books. It's other peoples books that are sitting there getting dusty. Honest.


Q&L said…
i want my books back...haha, right, wouldn't be me, haven't read much the last while
Tiffany said…
You know, I always read while I nursed the baby! Want me to lend you a book or two Lyla?


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