baby sling

I borrowed a baby wrap from a friend of mine at playgroup. I always thought it would be neat to have one, but they're a little pricey, and anytime that I've gone online to see if I could make one myself I've discovered that I'd have to find metal rings and stuff to hold the thing on.

Not this one. It's about 16 feet long and not quite two feet wide. There are no pleats or curves. It's just one long length of material with an extra square of material sewn onto the center for extra support where the baby sleeps. Basically, I have to hem a rectangle.

Even I can handle that. Or Steven.

I bought material for my sling this past weekend. I haven't actually made it yet, but I did cut it to length. I'm quite excited. Today I decided to try out my friends sling, so I wrapped it all around myself according to friend and Internet instruction and used Mitchie as my test baby. I was sure he'd cry or whine to get out once he felt all constricted and trapped against Mommy.

I should have known better. He grinned and snuggled in, laying his head on my shoulder and curling his hands between his chest and mine. There was no urge to fight for freedom.

I may have to make two!


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