which do you like better

Of the following posts, which is your favorite?

The Poopin' Doll

Pooper Scoopin

Teenagers Will Eat Anything

Or another that stands out?


Lora said…
poopin' doll
the other ones are good, but i lol'ed at work about the doll
Ange said…
Poopin' doll is definately my favorite. They're all good, but I laughed so hard at this one.
Sonya said…
Pooper Scoopin!! Followed closely by the poopin' doll. Well actually, anything involving poop is funny to me. ;D
Candice said…
In addition to it being excruciatingly funny, my fav is TWEA because it is the story that got me hooked to blogger. I still remember the fist night I read it...We had lived in Montreal for only a few days and I was researching as to whether this 'blogging' thing was a good idea. I read TWEA, and I was hooked! I was laughed so hard tears roled down my cheeks.

TWEA is closely followed by Pooper Scoopin'!
Elan Morgan said…
You are being featured on Intrepid Tuesday! http://www.fivestarfriday.com/2009/03/intrepid-tuesday-edition-19.html
Candice said…
Oh, wow! I followed that link and you actually ARE being featured over there. Good for you!

I kind of thought it was a spam at first...

Poopin' Doll made the cut!

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