i'm back

Ellen's wearing gray today. I think the last time I watched she was wearing black. I really shouldn't criticize her absolute lack of colour because if anyone looked in my closet they'd see a lot of blue, grey and black. I mixed it up a little lately. I bought a sweater, it was brown. I bought five new shirts (don't worry, they were on sale) a couple of months ago, and along with the two black ones and a grey one there was a purple one and a red one. I'm not big on red, but it was one of those red t-shirts that were made to help fund aids care in Africa. It says “Inspi(red)” on it. How clever.

I guess I notice Ellen's lack of color palette because celebrities, at least while on TV, are generally stylish. I know that if I had a team of fashion people I'd make use of it! I guess it could be argued that she's more authentic, I don't know.

You may be thinking that I've been slacking lately. In my defense – you've been slacking too! I need some quick excuses. How about this – our family all had the flu. Okay, not everybody. Steven never gets the flu. The four of us could all get in a circle and throw up on him and he'd dust off and carry on, never getting sick himself.

Wasn't that a gross picture? Sometimes I amaze even myself.

Seriously, Steven is like Typhoid Mary around here. I'm convinced he goes around at work, touching all the doorknobs and chuckling as he gathers up germs to bring home. Not that I want him to get sick. Ever been around a sick man? It's not funny. Men are wimps. Sorry guys.

Now we've all got colds. You know how hard it is to type stuff up when you have a sniffle going on. Wait, no sniffle, I'm stuffed up solid. It makes me mad. Then I take some Otrivin, which completely dries out your nose to the point that it hurts. I wait until I'm completely fed up with mouth-breathing before I resort to Otrivin.

I've been going to the diaper gym play group. It's nice. Jordan loves going – even after the “incident” the other day. I heard Jordan screaming/crying. I looked around and noticed some shuffling in the canvas tunnel thing, so I ran over there to check things out. Through a gap in the fabric I saw her sitting and kind of leaning back as a little boy pummeled her. That's right, he was angrily punching my kid, and she's just sitting there wailing and not sticking up for herself. I reached in and pulled him off her just as his mom came to see what was going on. She asked me what was going on and I told her that he was punching her. To her credit, she wasted no time hauling him out, smacking his bum and sticking him in the entrance for a time out.

This is my worry. I didn't do anything to Jordan. I had no idea what happened, or what started it. I'm thinking that the other mom might think that the kids were fighting and only her kid was punished. I don't want to sound like one of those moms who thinks her kid NEVER does anything wrong, but I honestly do know that Jordan did not hit that boy. I'm not all naive, the girl has her little wily ways too. She takes toys from other kids, she doesn't share, she'll block someone's path if they're trying to leave a room or go somewhere she hasn't approved of. She's very bossy. Tennyson gets very annoyed at her. However, she generally does not hit and kick and hurt other kids. Every once in a while, Tennyson will frustrate her to the point that she's shaking mad, and then she'll take a huge bite out of him. He'll have the bite mark for days after that. I can count on one hand the times that this has happened.

My guess is that Jordan wouldn't let the boy through the tunnel. He then got mad and beat her up. Had I noticed that she was blocking kids from going through the tunnel I'd have said, sternly, “Jordan. Move out of the way and let him through.” Unless she was causing a big ruckus it's not something I'd have punished her for. Besides, I think the little boy let her have it. He wasn't crying or anything, just mad as all heck.

Now I'm just worried that the mom might think that I let her kid take all the blame and assumed innocence on my own kid. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just gave her a hug and brought her back to the table for a sip of water. It's pretty bad that I feel guilty for cuddling my kid because I'm worried that I might annoy the other mommy.

This post is all over the place, I know. It's not my fault. It's been a while. Actually I've written a post or two on my laptop and then not bothered to run downstairs to actually post it on my blog. I'll see what I have and enter it underneath this one, so scroll down and check. I know I have at least one.


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