road block

Something terrible has happened.
I gained 2 pounds back.
Somebody please tell me how this is possible! I weighed myself on Friday, and then on Saturday I was 2 pounds heavier. I always weigh first thing in the morning for consistency. I weighed again the next day - still there.

Tell me if this makes sense - I've been dieting the past couple of weeks, and I lost 5 or 6 pounds. I then add some crazy treadmilling and ellipticalling and the first thing I do is gain weight. I haven't been eating any more. In fact, most days I'm well below the 1770 calorie limit.

What I need is for someone who knows something about this, maybe having studied this type of stuff in depth (hint hint :) to tell me that it's because I'm toning up my leg muscles in a big way. Anything along those lines would suffice.

I complained of this to Ange or Steven or someone, and it was suggested that I'm not eating enough calories for the workouts I'm doing, and my body is desperately hanging on to what it's getting. Good theory - eat more, weigh less. In the spirit of the suggestion, I worked a LOT at weighing less yesterday at the food court for lunch and at the Olive Garden for supper.


Candice said…
Oh, oh, I may know someone we could ask!!

So I asked, and this is what I hear...

The short version: muscle weighs way more than fat. Loose fat + gain muscle = overall net gain in weight.

BUT this is a great thing! Muscle is way more metabolically active than fat. Meaning, with more muscle, you burn up more calories all day long even when you are just sitting around. Or sleeping.

Please, PLEASE keep in mind that the scale does not provide you with a number reflecting health value - just a number that reflects how much gravity wants you. The scale does not have the authority to measure your success. Instead, take note of your energy level, the way your clothes fit, etc, and *you* measure your success that way.

Aim for greater health. Not lower weight. The true beauty of this is that ideal body weight usually follows health. Also, health has 'staying' power and will always go in the direction you are push it (as long as you are pushing it 'wisefuly').

Want more details? Just e-mail me, but don't be surprised when I e-mail you my essays that need grammar corrections ;)
Anonymous said…
OK. Candice said exactly what I was thinking..
Ange said…
Keep up all your hard work though! Don't let a little "road block" stop you! You're doing so good.
Tiffany said…
I know, I know, it's not ALL about the scale. Sure feels good when it budges though!

Actually, other things feel like success too. I've been hauling "you know what" on the treadmill. I like to set a goal of miles before I get on, and then see how fast I can do it. Each day is a little easier and it feels awesome!

I think it's good for my mental health too. I honestly feel less stressed about stuff this last week, and getting out for a little "me time" is really nice. Three kids is a lot of not-me-time!

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