it budged

That's right, the scale budged! Did you check out my ticker? I'm down four pounds this week!

Seriously, I'm on cloud nine this morning. It's like Christmas, only without all the food. This actually gives me motivation to keep being good. For example; we're having penny rolling today. Steven's dad's side of the family saves pennies all year, and then sometime in November they all get together and roll them all up and donate them to charity. Of course you can't (usually) do something like this without lots of chips and pop right? See what I mean, I need the motivation!

Some of my favorite tools right now:
Both of these links are actually on the right side of this page, but I figured I'd give them a little attention this morning!

Just think, pretty soon I may be in the light-weight category for women's sumo wrestling. With any luck!


Ange said…
That's so awesome! Keep up the good, hard work! You can do it.
Anonymous said…
Just think of all the germs on those pennies!!! If you had a microscope, you'd never want to stick your fingers in the chips then in your mouth.
Tiffany said…
Okay, so I cheated a little. I had a couple of dainties and a couple of drinks. Bad me, I know. Tomorrow back on track!
Tiffany said…
However, I DID NOT sit and scarf chips, so I didnt' feel too badly!
Q&L said…
Quinn wants to buy a scale...I'm holding out on bringing one in the house. It can only bring sadness into our home, I won't allow that. We'll see what happens after a couple months of working out.
Tiffany said…
Lyla! You're so funny. Okay, so yeah, when you gain a few pounds it can make you sad, but I think it's important to limit yourself to once a week because your weight will fluctuate a bit with water, salt, or certain monthly times.
HOWEVER - it can help you to notice if you've been bad, and maybe curb that kind of behavior right?

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