did i ever mention that i don't much like being pregnant?

Because I don't. It's funny when I say that, because people look at me like I'm a little mental. You know, mother of four, pregnant for years.

I never said I didn't like my kids. Love 'em. Sadly, there's only one way to grow one, and until you can just ovulate onto an ivy and have the baby grow up near the ceiling in an ivy pod in a corner I'll have to do it the old fashioned way.

Sheesh anyway.

I should take a picture. I'm "blossoming" every day. Ha! Blossoming. I love when people try to use euphemisms. Makes me feel like a big beautiful fat flower. I actually think other women are awfully cute when they're pregnant. I told a friend the other day that she was starting to look pregnant. She's a few months behind me. I hope she realized that I meant it as a compliment, she looks very good! Yet, when I'm pregnant and start to look it and feel it, it's more like "for shit sake. Now I have to get fat again."

Side note: Jordan whispers like Homer. She's upstairs with her brother. They're being naughty. She's "whispering" so Mommy won't hear. Her whispers are louder than her inside-voice and just alert me to the fact that I should be listening. I'll let them away with whatever it is for a few minutes longer.

I'm carrying Petunia a lot lower than I did the other three. I always carried my babies pretty high actually. I could wear my jeans until after five months, I didn't have the pressure along the bottom of my belly that other women complain about. Petunia however, is curled up comfortably around my bladder. I feel the pressure. I hope it means I'll have a contraction and baby will be born on the couch by accident right as Ellen ends.

Did I mention I'm walking? I get up at 5:45am almost every day and walk 4, 5 or 6 miles depending on the day. Usually it's six. Last week I totalled 37 miles. It's because I'm convinced that exercise makes babies come out faster on the big day. And because I'm a big fat blossoming flower and I'd like to not gain another 20 pounds in the last two months.

Not that I'm vain, but it is going to be July you know. I'd rather not have 842 pounds of baby weight to lose at the beginning of summer!

Did I mention that all rolaids galaxy-wide were recalled just as I neared my 3rd trimester? That's right. They're my 3rd trimester pregnancy staple. Actually, it usually starts in my second trimester. Petunia's nice though, her sitting lower has actually made my heartburn less aggravating than it was with the first three kids. Good thing too, because with the last pregnancy I had an up to 16 rolaids a day habit. Now it's usually just a couple.

Did I mention that the doc called the other day to tell me that I had very low iron? I'm supposed to take three iron pills a day. I'm a bad pill-popper. I've had the same bottle of maternity vitamins since the beginning of this pregnancy. It's still full. I haven't taken one in months. Although I now try and take one when/if I take the iron pills. Supposedly being low on iron makes a person tired. I'm kind of waiting to see if I'll be less tired in the weeks to come!

Did I ever tell you that the doc told me that my due date was pushed back from July 8th to July 13th? I made him change it back. I think he's a little afraid. It's now July 8th again in the file. heh heh heh.

As Jordan would say, "You don't mess with the dress." (from Barbie and the Three Musketeers)

I'm actually feeling pretty good though, I can't really complain. Complaining is just a little on the fun side sometimes.

Since I started walking I've been sleeping better. I've never slept well in my 3rd trimester ever, and I'm not a good sleeper to begin with. I have sleep issues. Turns out that getting up every day at 5:45am and walking six miles is an excellent cure for not sleeping. So is not drinking any caffeine during or after supper. I'm feeling good. The first few weeks of walking were tough, it took a while to get rid of the stiff soreness in the legs, but it's gone now. I keep telling myself that as soon as it gets tougher to walk that I'll walk fewer miles at a time, but it hasn't happened. I'm actually going to ask the doc if it's okay to keep doing it right up until the end if I feel good. I'm thinking that he'll try and figure out what I want to hear and then just tell me that. I'm that scary. I'm thinking I should get my due date moved ahead a little more. That'll work, right?

Did I mention that I greet and cross paths with the same people at the same times and the same places every morning on my walks? You'd be interested to know that as soon as the weather turns cold, rainy or windy, that it's the 20-somethings that stay home. Your grandparents are still out there. And the big flower.

I think I'll start bribing Petunia now. My kids are advanced, I'm sure she already has a grasp of the English language, which has nothing to do with the amount of talking Mommy does.

"Petunia honey, I promise that if you show up at 38 weeks (or 37, I'm not fussy) I'll give you ice-cream way way sooner than Mitchie got it." I won't say Jordan, we did everything properly with the first one.
"Petunia honey, I promise that if you show up at 38 or 37 weeks that I won't make you cry it out. Ever. Honest." (what can I say, she's young and naive, even if advanced)

It's funny that although we know how much labour and delivery sucks, we're so dang excited when we start to feel those contractions. I can't wait.


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