baby names

In response to Candice's What's in a Name blog post:

Choosing a baby name is both fun and a royal pain in the youknowwhat. Steven and I could never agree. I'd suggest names and he's hum and haw and say no. And then he wouldn't suggest anything either!

I had chosen Jordan Patricia for my firstborn daughter when I was 16. I knew that someday I'd get married and my first baby would be a girl and that my husband would just let me use the name I loved all those years!

With Tennyson (and I always said I'd never use a T name) I suggested names constantly and Steven would say no, until one day one of us came up with Tennyson. We argue over whose idea it was. Steven really really loved it, and I liked it but worried that it was too weird for the general public. We used it. The general public can mind their own business sometimes.

Mitchell - we never agreed on a name. In August I finally said that unless he came up with something better we were going to name the baby Mitchell, because I really liked it and he didn't hate it. If the baby was a girl we were going to name her Elliot. Another name we liked for a girl was Rowan, but we knew that we were not going to have five kids and we liked Elliot for a girl just a little better than Rowan, so Rowan was up for grabs. Hence: Mitchell Rowan.

Elliot was our girl name choice with both the boys, so we didn't talk about it too much. I actually tried to push to get Juliet added to the list, but Steven said no. He was like that.

Naming babies is tough. Both parents have to like the names (hopefully love them!), they can't be too weird, they can't be too rhymey with the last name or each other. I also liked Emerson for a boy, but Emerson and Tennyson both ended with the "son" and I didn't want them to be too alike. I always liked Everett for a boy, but Steven hated it. I pushed for Everett each time I was pregnant, but no go. Actually, being that we liked Elliot for a girl it's probably best we didn't name one of the boys Everett. Everett and Elliot are so alike. I really liked Jason, but Steven said no. And it's really quite similar to Jordan.

I'm actually happy that we don't have to worry about baby names any more!


Sonya said…
Jason was on our list too. Just didn't make it quite to the top of the list.
We find it easier to agree on boy names than girl names. So thankfully we haven't had to come up with anything feminine yet!
But I've heard of two other "Reids" born within the last year. So much for trying to come up with something no one else had.
Tiffany said…
Actually, I would have put Reid on our list in a heartbeat - but Steven said no. I really liked that one! And before you had a Dillon I think I may have suggested that one too.

Once upon a time, I thought Jordan was kind of different. There were no Jordan's in Austin when I was growing up.

I was wrong. But I don't care! When we had her I figured that I had wanted the name for so long that I wouldn't be deterred by it's rising popularity!

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