Only 23 days until Christmas! Remember when we were kids, and Christmas was all about time off school, lots of treats (chocolate, candy canes, oranges, turtles!), new Christmas dresses for the church concert, lights, music, decorations, noisy and exciting gatherings at Grandma's house, Christmas episodes of our favorite tv shows and of course presents! The list goes on and on. I still find Christmas exciting. Yet, now the season holds more than just the "fun" stuff. Now we have to worry about scheduling in all the different families and parents, buying gifts we can't necessarily afford, making dishes to bring to the different gatherings, hoping that people will understand that we need to share the holidays with many others, and hoping that nobody will be hurt if our time with them is short. I wonder if I'm doing a good job of making the holidays fun and enjoyable for my kids, and if I've bought the right gifts. I worry about what five days in a row of late ni...
but they are beasts to take care of. they love to hump everything in site, first of all, and they will procreate like- well- rabbits. so even if you get one the chances are that if you get a girl one? she might already be pregnant by her brother or her dad. we learned this lesson the hard way a few times at the nature center I used to work at, we were always taking litters of rabbits from people who bought rabbits from breeders and pet stores! so make sure you get an older rabbit that you can get fixed or that you are sure is a boy.
also, they poop A LOT and their poop attracts other rodents and even bigger animals to your yard because it smells kinda good (don't tell anyone I said that) and other animals eat it.
and they bite faster than something like a cat would. because they are, after all, cute rats. and if they get mites or fleas or or or the kids get them too if they are allowed to hold the bunny.
they can overheat really easily, and cook if the sun hits them
I would say if you get one, keep it indoors if you can, or even in the garage if that's an option.
we used to have indoor rabbits growing up, and they were litter trained. they can't control their poop (no sphincter!) but they can control their pee.
I'm not sure what the right answer is, but I've found rabbits to be a nightmare!