happy thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving Monday. Do I have things to be thankful for? Yes! Even things that sometimes feel like a chore. Come on - we all feel burdened by our blessings sometimes!

For example: The kids. I love them to pieces. Itty bitty ones. They are my joy, my sunshine, all that stuff. Yet they're a lot of work. There are days when I envy women who have relatives coming out of the woodwork to babysit for them, take the kids home for an afternoon, or whisk them away for an hour at the park. Our parents all work full-time and most don't live across the street from us so we don't have this sort of thing. There are many days I wish I did. Mitchell is 14 months old. I've had all three kids under my care every day for 14 months. Not saying that we can't dump them on someone from time to time if we have something to go do, but generally when I'm home they're all here with me. You know what? I love it. I really do. As much as I'd love a break, I think I like having them here more. They're happy (mostly) and healthy (mainly) and good (sometimes). I am extremely thankful for my children. I'm extremely thankful that they've all been so healthy, so wonderfully average. There is something to be said for average. Don't knock it - embrace it!

I'm also thankful for 8pm. I love them, and I love them sleeping too.

I'm thankful for my husband. He works so hard to take care of us all, and he's more than willing to step in and lend a hand in the home, even after eight or more hours of work. He's not the "walk-in-the-door-put-up-your-feet-and-shout-for-a-beer" husband.

Not that he's perfect. Have you seen "the thing" on his face? It's a work thing. And no, he's not a porn star, he's a plumber.

I'm thankful for my mom, my grandma and my friends. My mom is one of my best friends, but she's still my mom and I can feel her love through the phone lines, across a table, and as she snuggles up with my kids.

I'm thankful for my home and my van and my big back yard. I know that there are so many people on this planet for whom a home and a vehicle and a fridge full of food is but a dream. I take it all for granted so much of the time. How lucky we are that we can take these things for granted.

I'm thankful for all of you! What a great place this blog world is that connects people from all over and keeps people connected and builds bridges? What a great place for women! To share stories of our days and our kids and the things we think about and have other people relate and comment and converse?

Okay, I'm thankful for the men too.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


As I was writing this post my kids took it upon themselves to wash up the muddy pumpkins from their uncle. With a pile of soap and a big dish of water. On the carpet.

. . . I'm still thankful . . . I'm still thankful . . . I'm still thankful . . .


Q&L said…
its kinda like they washed the carpets for you :)
Tiffany said…
Except for the big mud stain!

And what are you doing on the internet? You're supposed to be in heavy labour right now!
JenK said…
I'm thankful for 8pm too. Every. Single. Night.

Love the kids, couldn't live without them, yaddayaddayadda. Still LOVE bedtime.

Happy late Thanksgiving.
Tiffany said…
It's true. 8 o'clock is heaven. 6am - not so much.

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