I once read a criticism about blogging that went something like this - People blog when they're bored and have nothing to do, when they're busy and their lives are interesting they don't feel like it, or don't have time.

Isn't that kind of true? I'll put little conversations on here, or a picture of the deck or something about work, but as soon as life picks up a bit we tend to overlook the blogging. That's when we aught to have something to blog about!

It's been kind of crazy around here lately - trips to the city, dinners with friends, Christmas shopping, cleaning, cooking in preparation for gatherings, shopping, wrapping presents, shopping, Christmas parties. You name it. It's not even Christmas yet!

I actually even put up the Christmas tree. Next year I'm waiting until Christmas eve (roughly). Jordan keeps taking the decorations off to play with or eat. The other day I noticed that it was looking a little extra naked (it's pretty naked to begin with) and I realized that the garland was off. When asked about it, Jordan denied having taken it. When told to go get it or else, she ran and unearthed it from her room somewhere. She also sneakily removed a candy cane or two and hid and ate them, dripping red, carpet-staining juice all over. After this happened a couple of times I finally took all the candy off the tree and hid it away in the cupboard. I'm pretty sure that the tree is supposed to get more decked out as the holidays continue, not less.

We actually have four days of Christmas coming up, and gatherings everywhere - some of them even here!

Maybe I'll have to post a thing or two over the holidays.


Ange said…
I'm looking forward to the Christmas stories. Who knows, maybe I'll even have a few.
Candice said…
I have to say - I don't agree with that blog criticism.

I blog for many reasons, and boredom is waaaay down there on the list.

I blog to keep in touch with those back home without having to tell stories over and over again. Not only is this a time saver, but it also saves those who aren't interested in hearing about it.

I blog to keep sane. Honestly, sometimes blogging is like therapy. It lets you get it out - and somethings are actually easier to get out into cyberspace than in a face to face conversation. Unfortunately though, it's pretty difficult to get honest and full feedback from readers as appose to a house guest - but I am quite surprised at the number of e-mails I get in response to blog posts providing just that.

I blog because I really like it; whether I'm busy or not. Unfortunately the busier I am the less blogging I'm able to do, but it isn't because I have 'better' or 'more interesting' things to do. It's often on the busiest days that I wish I can blog. I think to myself "gee, that would make a great blog!"
Blogging material is all around us, whether it is a picture of a deck or dinner story - I've been interested in all of it. And, not to sound too cheesy, but I really value each and every blogger I stalk.

I blog to feel like I'm connected with other adults, and with the outside world. I work from home, and some days that means I don't leave the apartment at all and the only person I talk to is my husband. Blogging lets me tell my thoughts to others. I like reading other people's blogs for the same reason.

I read people's blogs to feel normal. There are others out there that feel the same way.

I read blogs for entertainment. Sometimes, yes, it is to fill time because I'm bored, but most times it's comic relief from work. I actually save 'doing the rounds' for my coffee breaks.
Tiffany said…
Candice - that could have been a post on your blog!
Sonya said…
I agree with Candice! It's nice to connect with others that are going through the same things as you (pregnancy, toddler tantrums, farm life) or share your faith, or just people you want to keep in touch with. Why didn't you start blogging long ago Tif? We kinda lost touch when you lived in Wpg and now you're only 20 minutes away and we don't see each other a whole lot either, but we seem to "keep in touch" a lot more than we used to.
Blogs are pretty awesome if you ask me! It's like free therapy. :)
Tiffany said…
Blogs ARE awesome. I check all your blogs about a dozen times a day, "just in case."

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