as big as your face

This morning I was sitting at the computer, and out of the corner of my eye I saw something move. I thought it was a mouse. It wasn't. It was a spider. I would have killed it, but it was running at paranormal speeds, and then it leaped the last four feet, slammed into the side of the amp and then scurried up the side and around behind the amp. So much for any interest I might have had in learning guitar.

I don't know which is worse - having a mouse, or having a spider in my house that is THAT big.


Candice said…
That IS a horrific story! I had a similar incident a few years back, and because of your post, I now feel that I can finally talk about it. "Blogging is like therapy." (Trevor Burg)
Sonya said…
Excuse me, but didn't you call me a weanie for getting freaked out about ticks? Spiders are nothing. Weanie.
Anonymous said…
ACKKK! I hate spiders! Especially BIG spiders. They seem almost human so I can't kill them. But I can't let them live either.

It's a hard life. :)
Tiffany said…
Jen - I hate spiders too! Especially when they startle (as in, you notice it on your leg). As much as I hate them, I have to kill them because the thought of them roaming about my house and laying eggs freaks me out more than having to smush them with my shoe.

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