an update from ICU

Unfortunately, the poinsettia didn't make it. However, my other plants seem to be thriving since the last update!

This is the plant I froze in the car and finally pulled all its dead leaves off. Look, it's growing again! There are even flowers!

This plant wasn't looking so good either, but now it's growing a ton of new leaves and absolutely thriving. It's amazing what putting them into the sun and watering them will do.

Plants are an unforgiving sort. They have voted and my children have been put behind bars. I'm working on a pardon, but it doesn't look good.


Sonya said…
Ha ha. That's too funny - I was totally shocked to see a new post! Finally!!
Anonymous said…
I'm with Sonya about the new post - its about time girl!
Tiffany said…
I'm sorry, my life is just so uneventful at times!

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