potato farmer? me?

Substitute teaching can be tough. However, I seem to have been having luck growing plants these days. I made a discovery as I went down to get potatoes from my cool, dark closet in the basement.

Honestly, they were fine the other day! We've been eating them - and apparently I can just pull the shoots off and continue eating them. It's just amazing that this happens so quickly. I figure I should switch to potato farming. After all, they seem to just take care of themselves. Junior High students, however, do not.


Anonymous said…
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Tiffany said…
Can you believe that this "Kijar" post above was trying to comment me a virus? The nerve or some people. If these guys would get some education and put as much effort into solving world hunger as they do into creating viruses to destroy the computers of complete strangers just think where we'd be!

So please, don't click on the link of the previous commenter.
Candice said…
I just love your flooring!
Tiffany said…
I was hoping no one would notice that! That's not everywhere, just the closet under the stairs. Glad that they changed the rest of the basement to grey in the years before we moved in here.
Q&L said…
nice plants Tiffany, the potatoes are ready to be planted in your 'garden'. Are you having a garden this year? My one plant in my house died this week. First of all it survived the move. Then I had it in front of a window for sun, Quinn opened the window one night and 1/4 of the leaves froze off. I pulled the dead leaves, but over the last few days it got no water and is now sprawled dead. Quinn has promised me a new plant (even though its not entirely his fault). so, I'm plantless.
Candice said…
Alright girl, I'm sick of looking at your potatoes...Its been days since I've had my fill of your humor!
Tiffany said…
Lyla - not sure if I'll have a garden. I always wanted to, and I know where I'd put it. Maybe I will! There will have to be some moving around of certain things - like the cedars. I think that the people who lived here before me where looking to bootleg cedars. What kind of person has not one tree on the yard except for 11 cedars. That's right. 11. I hate cedars. Maybe I'll just ditch them completely.

Candice - I'd have a new post, but the potato one is just so riveting that I thought it should hold the spotlight just a little longer!

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