happy easter

Happy Easter! How was everyone's weekend?

Ours was pretty nuts. Steven had Friday, Saturday and Sunday off, and we ended up having Easter plans every night so it went by really fast! Not to mention that I'm now REALLY full. You know the feeling - it's the same at Christmas when you have gathering after gathering and you never really get un-full. Tomorrow may have to be vegetable day.

Unwinding is pretty tough too sometimes. Jordan came down with a cold over the course of the day, and at midnight tonight she woke up and cried a bit. Steven got up with her. Turns out she peed her pants. After that matter was taken care of he came back to bed, and then she started calling out for one of her aunties that had been here earlier. I went in to remind her that everyone else had gone home to bed, and was now sleeping. Of course, it's now 1:18am, and I can't fall back asleep. Checking facebook and blogging seems the next logical step.

Here's hoping that everyone had a good Easter weekend - and hopefully you didn't all come down with some nasty virus!


Candice said…
Nope, definitely had a great weekend (got the virus over with a few weeks ago)! Tom and I went to Ottawa on Saturday. I have some relatives there and more flew in from Manitoba. Great food, great company, great trip to the parliament buildings at midnight with my teenage cousins --- the whole mentos and diet coke thing really works!
Tiffany said…
Sounds like you had a good weekend! I bet living out there you don't feel bad for people who complain about having too many gatherings to go to.

Now you'll have to post pictures of the parliament buildings!
Candice said…
Question: Does the baby in your belly really flip around that much???
Tiffany said…
Apparently they move constantly, but right now it's too small to really feel it. I may have felt a little nudge the other day though, so I'm hoping that it makes itself known a little more!

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