yes, i get paid for this

I'm at the school right now. Yesterday and today have been the easiest days in substitute teaching history. It is "student teacher" time, which means that I come in and help supervise the kids while the student teacher leads the class, does attendance, worries about discipline, etc.

You may think this sounds incredibly easy (especially since I just said it was), but I assure you, there are still definite hardships associated with these days as well.

  1. Attendance - I'm never sure whether the student teacher does attendance or (s)he leaves it to the regular teacher. I worry that I will appear lazy if I don't do it. I also worry that if I just do it they'll think I'm taking over their jobs. See? Peril.
  2. Keeping kids quiet - sometimes if they start to get noisy I'll help chastise them. Again, am I stepping on toes?
  3. Reading - it's hard to read my book when someone is teaching a lesson. Very distracting.
  4. Energy - as I sit in the big fluffy chair (with occasional breaks to circle the room) I get very relaxed. My heart rate drops to practically nothing. I'm only about 2 beats per minute from a state of sleep. Imagine my professional embarrassment were I to fall asleep and snore, drool, or talk in my sleep.

Next week is Spring Break. Part of me thinks oh no, I won't get any hours! However, there is this definite part of me that is pretty excited that I get a week off, as well as actual days off with my husband! And I don't have to turn down shifts and feel guilty about it. I'm thinking I should try and get out of town. Maybe Winnipeg. We still have a gift certificate from Christmas for a nice restaurant, so I may smell a date coming!

Back to the hardships of my day . . .


Anonymous said…
Just under 5 months to go!! This is so exciting for me...And I don't even see you at all. I can't image how exciting this is for you.
Tiffany said…
Yes it is pretty exciting! But at the same time I'm a little anxious because three kids is going to be way more work than two! But I love my babies, and I've started feeling this one bumping around more in the last couple of days and I love it already. Looking quite forwards to meeting her (or him). lol.
Candice said…
Alright you, its been a week since your last post. What's going on over there? You got to let us in on some of it!

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