random march pictures

Look how happy Tennyson is to be in this picture!

When Jordan saw that I was wearing beige pants she just had to go and change into hers. It was so cute. I figured, why stop there?

Look how much faster things get done when you have some help.

Daddy doesn't mind.

Tennyson looks so Unrau here!

I know, I'm such a good mommy.

This is the time-out spot. She wasn't in here that long, honest!


Anonymous said…
You are so slim in those pictures, are you sure you're having a baby?!?
Tiffany said…
You're so sweet! But seriously, getting fat over here. My regular pants are too tight, my maternity pants are too big. Kind of a dilemma.
Candice said…
Sounds to me like its time to go shopping!!!
Tiffany said…
I know! But it's such a waste, since I'll only wear "in between" clothes for such a short time! I'll just have to make do until summer. I need maternity summer stuff, then it'll be time for shopping!

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