NaNoWriMo, day 9

My house is actually pretty nice and tidy today. This is due only to the fact that I had company yesterday, and not because I'm the best house keeper these days. People keep telling me I have four kids, and this is what houses are supposed to look like when there are six people living here, four of them ages six and under.

I just feel bad that my four kids have to live in squalor.

Anyway, moderately sparkly house (if you don't look in the corners), and one kid in school, two kids sleeping, and the fourth playing Nintendo means I can write!

I'm currently at 11,583 words. By the end of today I should be at 15,003. I'm a little behind, probably because I actually cleaned and organized yesterday instead of sitting for half the afternoon at the computer. On day two I wrote enough to take me past of day three, and I took day three off, so being a day or two behind is no biggie.

I sort of know where the story is going, it's even fun to write it, and I type somewhere around 90wpm so I'm seriously on track. This is the furthest I have ever made it with NaNoWriMo. Last year I ended up at 6,971 before petering out, falling way behind and giving up. Not this year. This is my year.

Who knows, maybe I'll even let you read some of it someday.


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