potty training, kid 3, round 1

Or maybe, as a friend and I discussed earlier, it may be easier to just leave him in diapers until he's interested in girls. Maybe then he'll decide it's a little uncouth to shit ones pants. Or maybe his girlfriend will oh-so-gently take him by the hand and tell him what to do. Either way, it would relieve me of the ultimate annoyance that potty training brings.

I hate potty training. Wait, we don't say that word around here, let me rephrase. I have an intense dislike of potty training. I know, I'm a mommy of 5.5 years now and I should be at peace with all types of stuff that the young human body produces.

It is not so.

Tennyson threw up on the carpet in the basement last Thursday. I probably made more noise cleaning it up than he did producing it. I felt badly after, because he was all sad and apologetic and thought I was mad at him. How does one tell a three year old that no, you are not mad at him, you are mad at the situation. Can't be done. I told him that Mommy is a bit of a baby when it comes to getting barf on her hands and that she was not mad at him, but actually concerned for him and sad that he was sick. He may have bought it, but only because I was really sincere and gave him lots of hugs and kisses, despite avoiding having him kiss me back, at least on the lips. He's a lip kisser.

He was also really good at getting subsequent rounds into a handy ice-cream pail.

Mitchell is not so good at getting anything into anything. He threw up all over his bed a few times the other night. It was gross. I used my own waning illness to dodge most of the grossness, instead letting Steven deal with it.

Early this morning I told Mitchie that he needed a new diaper before he could have breakfast. He ran to his room and assumed the position on the floor, while staring up at me expectantly. I was just about the change his diaper when I thought better of it, put him in a pull-up, and told him that today was the day he was going to start going potty.

Our "success" so far has been limited:
  • I put him on the potty. Nothing.
  • I put him on the potty 15 minutes later. I read him a book. Still nothing.
  • I gave him cereal and milk and a banana and put him back on the potty. I read the same book again. Zilch. Except for a wet pull-up.
  • Potty, book, nothing.
  • Potty, book, nothing. Wetter pull-up.
  • I asked Tennyson to come and sit on the little potty and pee to show Mitchie how the whole thing would go down. Tennyson giggled like crazy and said no. I told him he had to. He said Okay, but as long as nobody laughed at him. He peed in the potty.
  • I put Mitchie on. Nothing.
  • Ten minutes later Tennyson calls from the bathroom for someone to wipe his bum. I never know who he thinks his options are, since I'm the only one here. I go to aid him. He's sitting over a big steaming log on the training potty. I should mention that without the usual cover of toilet water his crap smelled really really bad. Really. I scolded him, and then told Mitchie to come and see Tennyson's poop. Mitchie was not adequately awed and sold on the idea, even after watching us drop it into the big toilet and flush it away, because I set him on the potty right after and again, nothing.
  • After lunch I put him to bed 45 minutes early, just to take a break from trying to get something to happen in the potty.

When Jordan and Tennyson were younger than Mitchell is now, they actually wanted to go on the potty. They weren't trained overnight, but the desire was there. I have no idea what to do with Mitchie. I'm still thinking that with those big beautiful baby blues that his girlfriend will be willing to undertake this task for me someday.


LoriD said…
This was such a funny read! If it helps, my youngest is now 5 and I honestly do not remember how any of them were potty-trained.
Patkau Life said…
I dispise training with a passion. How old is he? My daughter was a month from being 3 when she became trained. I had been introducing her to the potty since she was 15 monthes old. Had her starting to sit on the potty at 2. Tried everything from every fifteen minutes on to sitting the potting infront of the tv thinking if she just does it a couple of times she will get the hint of what it feels like...lots of liquids for this one. I let her pick her own undies and told her if she messed them then she would have to throw them out. NOTHING worked. Until she was ready. At 2and a half I said that she had to either learn to go on the potty or give me her soother. she gave up her soother. A month before she was three I told her that she was going to be a big girl and I wanted her to learn how to go on the potty. She said oookkkkaaayy, in the girl has attitude voice...but she was ready...we were completely trained including nights(other than of course the odd sick accident) with in three days.

I would say feel it out try a couple of times and try to figure out when he is ready and wants to do it.....I want four kids...sure hope I get at least one that wants to train by the time they are 2.

Good luck...I am in the process of decideing if I want to embark on this sort of hell right now.
Tiffany said…
It's funny how different they all are. My two oldest were entirely different experiences. My daughter didn't care if she wet herself to the ankles, my son was all bothered by it, and felt bad, and was kind of weepy. Actually, he was probably done having accidents before she was, and she is two years older!!

Mitch is almost 2.5. I'm going to try him for a couple of more days and if he doesn't take to it at least a little I'll take a break. That's actually what I ended up doing with Tennyson - a week of poo pants and I put him back in diapers. Two weeks later he asked to go and we were off and running. I'm hoping it'll click for Mitchie yet soon too.
Anonymous said…
You know my stories! Don't even bother until THEY are ready. With Morgan I started at two and only frustrated myself! Then when she was ready after a good 6 months or more of ME trying, she was totally trained at 3. I spent a whole year just getting more annoyed. That was my first kid though and for the 3 after I learned my lesson to keep my sanity! When Mitchie is ready he will go himself. As far as pullups, I don't think they do much if the kid isn't ready because they are still like a diaper. I think once they start asking to go on the potty is when you should use them. They are also quite costly! That's my advice but I am only another mother of 4! I remember Morgan's story because of the major frustration from trying to start early. I don't remember the boys so much so I assume it went more smoothly for during the day training. My boys also stood to pee from day 1 so that was more fun for them to whip it out anywhere anytime! They didn't like the little potty and weren't too found of sitting on the big one either! Good luck!
Tiffany said…
Today he's back in diapers. Yesterday was just too annoying. I'm kind of with you Terra, if he's not going to be ready until, say June, then I can either wait until he wants to or I can fight with it from now until June and end up with the same deadline anyway.
Naomi said…
I agree with the let them be ready thing. I started trying with Ashton pretty early but he wouldn't even sit on the potty. I tried and tried and all I got was a tantrum so I gave up, I figured I'd just deal with 2 kids in diapers (being that I was expecting).

Finally about a couple months before Brayden came along, he just started going. He wouldn't go a daycare, he'd hold it ALL day, he wouldn't wet his pull ups there though, but when he got home, he really had to go.

Once I was done work, I just too away diapers/pull ups all together and figured if he wet his bed, then I'd be doing more laundry, but then I had time because I wasn't working. He peed his bed the first night and that was it, he was pretty much potty trained. Seemed so easy when I didn't have to put in any effort and he just wanted to do it. He was a few months short of 3 at the time.

I even managed like 3 weeks with no diapers in there! I am not looking forward to round 2!!

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