I completely intend to blog again soon. After all, my life is full of interesting tid -bits (what we had for dinner, whether or not I mopped, if today was a hair-washing day or not, etc.), and my kids are above-average cute. Did I mention the kids? 'Cause they really are cute. Even when they're naughty, they're naughty in a cute way. So many times I catch them doing naughty things and I scold them appropriately while trying not to laugh, then I call my mom up and have a good little chuckle about it with her. She loves the kid stories. I love my mom so I oblige. I think the people she works with know more about my kids than some of our own relatives - being that they actually ask her what's new with the grand kids and she passes this stuff on. I gotta keep her in the know, you know? Off to bed. After I clear all the clean laundry off it. But that's an entirely different post. Okay, not really, it's really quite boring. Hope you're all having a great night!