julie & julia

I saw Julie & Julia tonight. I really liked it.

So many times I see something that someone else has written, or a fantastic idea that someone else has come up with or invented. My ideas? Zip. I have no original ideas.

Side Note: I actually kind of believe that there is no such thing as original ideas/thoughts, but that's a whole other blog post.

The premise of the movie was cute (supposedly a somewhat true story). I recommend it. It's a girlie movie, but not a romance, so don't go running over there hoping for romance. There is a certain amount of sex. Don't pretend you don't like that.


Q&L said…
was thinking of seeing it, possibly waiting for cheap seats...my husband is not interested (I don't blame him)...oooh next week I could go see an afternoon matinee..mat leave has its perks...jokes, I've never seen a movie by myself, nor do I intend to! :)
Sonya said…
Ah ha ha!

I'm way overdue for a chick flick.

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