uh oh, here she comes

I went for a walk last week along my route that takes me down the pedestrian path along Island Park. Okay, I apologize for the shittiness of that sentence, and for the vulgarities. But we're all adults here, and it takes less energy to simply apologize than it does to backspace all this nonsense.

Where was I ... ah yes, Island Park.

I was walking along the footpath, and up ahead I noticed runners. Not the shoes, the people. A bunch of teenagers were running along one of the North/South streets and turning onto the path ahead of me. I noticed more and more of them, so I assume it was for phys. ed. At first I thought maybe it was the track team, but there were too many slackers. The track students would have a little more motivation right?

I came up to the intersection as the last of the students made the turn ahead of me. The last two students were motivationally challenged and apparently had decided to see how much walking they could get away with.

Have I mentioned that I substituted in the local school division last year? I think it also bears mention that I recognized one of these slackers for sure, and maybe the second one too. They definitely recognized me. I think they were convinced that I was helping to supervise the class. I walk fairly fast, and every time I'd start to gain on them they'd run a little to put a little distance between. Then they'd slow down to their slow saunter, all the while checking back over their shoulders to see where I was. When I'd start to get a little closer, they'd sigh and begrudgingly run a block or so again before settling back into their walk. This continued for quite some time, probably 9 blocks.

I was quite amused by this, and only walked faster. Those poor kids, they did not want to run. They ran only as far and as fast as they had to, just to stay ahead of the mean old substitute teacher. At one point I thought of ending their misery and calling out to them and letting them know that they were off the hook. But nah. I then decided it would be way more fun to wait until I got closer and then yell (loudly) "hurry up and stop your walking!!" But I didn't. It made my day just thinking about it though.


Heather said…
Was I in this group of slackers?? We all know how much I love to run!!
Sonya said…
I can only assume you didn't have your kids with you?!
Tiffany said…
Nope, no kids. I have a double stroller, but it sucks, it's like pushing a tank. I like walking alone - it's my "me" time!
Tiffany said…
Heather - anytime you'd like to give running a try, call me!

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