there has got to be more to do online

And no, I don't mean porn. Who's into that stuff anyway? Disgusting.
But seriously, I come on here and check facebook, my blog, everyone else's blog, my email, and then I'm stumped. And some of you haven't been blogging much lately. Don't know if it's writer's block or just laziness. I suppose you could be busy, or just not caring much about your avid loyal fan base. If that's the case, then shame on you - and you know who you are.

I'm not one of these internet surfer people. Steven sits here and reads random websites and watches videos and plays odd games. Sometimes I do play the daily crossword puzzle on msn games, but that only lasts so long. I just can't cruise around the internet like that.

I do have a bit of a blogging "to do" list. I want to write up Mitchell's birth story. I know I promised to tell the story of how I yelled at a few horrible nurses. I want to do it just for my own records anyway, so I figured "hey, why not put it on my blog!" At some point I'd like to try and remember the details of Jordan's and Tennyson's birthdays too. When I say details I mean times and stuff, not yucky details so don't worry too much.

To be honest, I don't really have much to say right now either. Ange already beat me to the nursery school blog. Shame!

Jordan started nursery school today. She is going to have so much fun there. She did today - she didn't want to leave. That's a good sign I'd think. If they run screaming for the door maybe they're in the wrong nursery school. She didn't do any painting or colouring or gluing, so I figure she just ran from station to station like a crazy person playing with toys. That's cool too. She's got a TON of energy.

Other news? One of my closest friends ever (Lyla) is getting married in just a few short weeks! I'm pretty excited for her. Not to mention that going to her wedding will almost be like a date! Except that we'll be bringing the baby, but we figure he'll just sleep in his seat at my feet most of the night anyway.

Not much else.


Sonya said…
That's awesome that Jordan likes nursery school so much. I can't imagine dragging a kid to school everyday, cause he didn't want to go! Now you get to make school lunches - how I dread those days!
Q&L said…
awww, thanks dear! I'm excited too!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
And that makes 3 of us!

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