Recipe Blog

I want to start a recipe blog, and have all of us in this little "blog circle" as contributors! Sonya thinks it's a good idea and has even suggested some names for the blog:
  • Time for Faspa?
  • Good eats?
  • What's cooking in your kitchen?
There should be a picture of the dish if possible too!
Let me know if you have any more ideas for names and then we'll have a vote and I'll set something up!


Anonymous said…
I was thinking of setting one up too, but didn't know if I could post frequently enough to uphold a second blog. This is a much better idea, I'll get in on it for sure!
Anonymous said…

I could do this all day...
Sonya said…
Check out . We may not all be mennonite - but it's a great example as to a good recipe blog. Looking forward to it!
Q&L said…
good idea...I would contribute. I got nothing as far as names
Ange said…
I don't have many recipes, at least none that anyone would actually want to make, but I could put some on, if nothing else but for a laugh!

New post please!
Q&L said…
"Sensational Tastes"
"Savor the Sensation"
...need tag lines??
Q&L said…
I think we would need to create universal tags, so all recipes could be categorized for easy archiving.
i.e. Dinner, Pork, Steak, Chicken, Dessert, Fruit, etc.
Heather said…
I think that is a rotten idea. I have one receipe. Here it is.

1. Open the can of Bean.
2. Heat
3. Eat

A Good idea would be if you all took turns bringing your creations over to my house. I could be your critic and tell everyone how great it is. Now that's a good idea.
T and C said…
Hes, by the time I got it there, I'm sure it would be cold!
Tiffany said…
I checked out the mennonite girls cooking blog and now I'm totally intimidated. How on earth did they do that so awesomely?

I am totally going to start working on it shortly. I have to figure out how to categorize it into subcategories like they've done, and how to click on a contributor to see the list of recipes posted by certain individuals.

Right now I'm sort of working on another project too, but I can't let the cat out of the bag just yet! Hang in there though, the recipe blog cometh. Get your favorites ready!
Q&L said…
yes, I was a little intimidated by the website initially as well...then I started reading all those fun mennonite recipes and got carried away..Bieninstich?? Now I know how to say Bee Sting in german! And I was taken back to my childhood with Ruhrei (scrambled eggs) Mom made them when we had days off of school and she didn't know what to make us for lunch. We would pour sugar or pancake syrup on delish...I've never ate scrambled eggs the same way!

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