beach day

Today was the first time I took the kids to the beach by myself. I've always been nervous with kids and water, even though as a kid I was around water all the time, and my parents really didn't seem all that concerned.

I was bored to tears this morning and I suggested that the kids all hop into the van so I could swing through the Tim Horton's drive through for a . . . let's say carrot . . . while I figured out what I wanted to do with our afternoon. I really had nothing.

Finally I told the kids that we'd hit up Sobey's, grab a few groceries, and then pick up a couple of pizzas from Little Caesars and have a picnic at the park.

I parked the van in the Sobey's parking lot. "Can't we have our picnic at Delta?" asked one of the kids. I thought about it for a minute, turned the van back on and said sure. We grabbed our pizzas, swung home for swim suits and then headed for Delta Beach.

The kids had a blast. Sure there is some debris washed up on shore, maybe a dead fish or two, but they swam and ran and dug and explored for hours. It was awesome. On the way to the beach I stressed the importance of sticking together, staying shallow unless they were swim suited and I was with them, and not wandering off. They were awesome. They're at this age now where I don't have a baby or toddler anymore, nobody naps unless they fall asleep on the floor somewhere or in the van, and I don't have to carry playpens, diaper bags and bottles. Makes days like this easier all the time!


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