yes, i get paid for this
I'm at the school right now. Yesterday and today have been the easiest days in substitute teaching history. It is "student teacher" time, which means that I come in and help supervise the kids while the student teacher leads the class, does attendance, worries about discipline, etc. You may think this sounds incredibly easy (especially since I just said it was), but I assure you, there are still definite hardships associated with these days as well. Attendance - I'm never sure whether the student teacher does attendance or (s)he leaves it to the regular teacher. I worry that I will appear lazy if I don't do it. I also worry that if I just do it they'll think I'm taking over their jobs. See? Peril. Keeping kids quiet - sometimes if they start to get noisy I'll help chastise them. Again, am I stepping on toes? Reading - it's hard to read my book when someone is teaching a lesson. Very distracting. Energy - as I sit in the big fluffy chair (with oc...