three babies
Lately Jordan has been silly about certain things. In the mornings when I ask her to get dressed she dawdles around forever without actually dressing herself. When I urge her to hurry up she asks for help. Jordan has been dressing, undressing, and changing herself from outfit to outfit since she was eighteen months old. She doesn't need help. The other morning I was trying to get the kids ready to take Jordan to nursery school. She was sitting in her room naked and playing with random toys. I had told her a few times already to get dressed because we were going to be late. She dawdled. She resisted. I told her that I was coming back in five minutes and if she wasn't getting dressed there would be trouble. I came in a few minutes later and she was sitting on the floor, still naked, and crying. She said she needed help. She hadn't put on socks or underwear or anything. "Jordan, you've been dressing yourself for a long long time. I know you don't need help. Do you...