cookies, yams, and the last of the newborn years
The last few days I feel like I've got some energy back. Oh sure, going to bed at 11, waking up for an hour to listen to the baby cry at 3am and then getting up for the day somewhere between 5 and 6 will make a person tired, but it's not the bone deep exhaustion that comes from having a new baby. I know that I'm not supposed to be happy that my kids are quickly growing up and slowly needing me less, and I'm not really, but I have to admit that I don't really miss the 6 week old stage where the baby thinks that it's noon when it's really 4am. It takes a long time to start feeling like ones self again. As I write this, I also wonder if my sudden increase in feeling like myself again has to do with Ellie eating way more solids. We didn't really start her on any solid food until about a month ago, and it's only in the last few days where we've really let her eat like crazy. Today she had three solid little baby meals and a few cheerios in between t...